Welcome to cKotch.Com. I’m Christopher Kotcher, and this site is where I share my writing and discuss my inspiration. This site represents a whole new step in my journey as a writer, and I hope you will be willing to join me for the ride.
One of my primary goals as a writer is to create stories which inspire others. I want to give people stories that can help lift them up in trying times and encourage them to be the best versions of themselves. Perhaps I could even give the world a few more writers. I also discuss inspiration to show that anything can create a good story. My own sources of inspiration include everything from life experience and literature to video games and cartoons.
What I Have to Offer
This site is a recent creation made in 2018 from an aspiring writer made in 1994. I am still learning many things when it comes to both blogging and life. However, I have been writing most of my life. Poems, short stories, novels you name it. A few of the poems have been published in school literary journals, and the novels still have a lot of work left before they are ready to face the world. However, you can find a few of my short stories on Amazon. They are part of my collection Five Strange Stories.
I offer you now the chance to see the start of something awesome. I intend to put everything I have into making this site and my books a success. These are the early days of a new writer, and you can be a part of my first widespread audience. You can be someone who liked my work “before it was cool.” My earliest readers will also likely have some of the greatest impact on me as a writer. My work will ultimately be shaped by what my early audience most loves to read.
You will be someone who influences the kind of writer I will become.
Getting Started
- Blog: The Blog contains the weekly blog posts at the heart of cKotch.Com. Posts cover both my writing and its inspiration. New posts are added each Friday at 5:00 EST.
- Essential Posts: The Essential Posts page lists some of the most important posts on the cKotch.Com blog. These posts include discussions of the site’s purpose and announcements of major projects.
- Portfolio: The Portfolio page is where free samples of my writing are shared. These pieces will include not only short stories and poems, but also excerpts from longer projects. Writing is added here alongside related blog posts.
- About: The About page provides further description of this site’s purpose. Also included are twenty things about me and a picture of a beautiful boxer dog.
- Author Central: My Author Central page on Amazon. This page lists books I’ve published alongside photos and features a feed for this blog.
Staying Up to Date
- Facebook: Be sure to like my Facebook page for all news related to this blog and my writing.
My New Book
Time to enjoy some poems.
“This collection contains fifty poems from newly published author Christopher Kotcher. They tell the tale of his first few years as a poet. Enjoy reflections on everything from family vacations and dreams of love to trials and writing struggles. These poems truly are good stuff.”