Planning My 2020

Welcome to the cKotch.Com blog. I’m Christopher Kotcher, and this is how I want my 2020 to go.

Plenty of Plans Indeed

Starting the Second Year

After reviewing my 2019 last week, time has come to share some plans for 2020.

I’m excited to get started on all my ideas for 2020. New decades are the perfect starting points for new beginnings.

There’s some things in flux for me as this year begins. So, many of my plans won’t have definitive dates.

There are some quick changes which will take place right away. There are some things that will take more time to prepare.

A few goals stretch through this year and into the next.

I mention all these goals here so all you good readers can better understand this site’s intended direction going forward.

Let’s make this the year ckotch.Com really gets going.

Retooling the Writing

One of 2020’s simplest changes deals with titling posts.

Most posts will now be parts of series. For example, posts on videogames will now be part of my “Game Story” series.

My tagline is “Writing and Inspiration.” There are many different things which inspire me. I want to cover all of it. I don’t want to leave anything out.

Stories inspire other stories, and good stories come from all kinds of sources.

Posts in each series will be numbered starting this year. I also plan on making a helpful list of posts in each series, similarly to my Essential Posts page. These pages will come after each series gets a few posts to fill out the space.

Some posts won’t be included in series. These will be general updates and some more experimental posts.

I’m still debating how to incorporate my first year’s posts in this new series system. My current plan is to possibly give them the most relevant series title. Then I could mark them in a distinct spot on each series page.

Be sure to let me know any ideas which you may have in the comments down below.

That would be another change.

I want to give my readers a better sense of community on this blog. Part of that goal is including more questions and points of discussion.

I’d love to have some lively discussion down in the comments here or on social media.

We live in a wonderful time of dialogue between writers and readers, creators and enjoyers. Never before have people been able to talk with content creators so directly.

I’ve seen these great conversations happen for plenty of creators. I want to encourage that here, and I hope all of you will take part in it.

Expect most posts to have something of some sort to discuss. Feel free to bring any of your own relevant discussion points too.

Let’s have a true writer-reader dialogue.

Diving into Social Media

Social media had a small presence in my 2019 reflection. Here we’ve got a whole section dedicated to it.

Once more, social media is where people are these days. I should engage people there if I want them to come here.

I’ll start with improving this blog’s Facebook page.

The page has plenty of new followers. They all deserve the best content I can provide.

I’ve experimented the pasty year with all kinds of posts. I believe a good place to start will be including weekly previews of posts again. I also plan adding posts about current projects and ideas.

In the interest of community involvement, I will soon make a few Facebook posts asking for reader requests. I just to work on some guidelines first.

Once my Facebook page is all set, I’ll finally move on to creating a Twitter profile.

Other social media accounts are a distinct possibility, but I don’t want to dive into too many promises at once.

If you readers have good ideas about additional social media, please let me know.

Adding Platforms

Now for the most ambitious plan. I’d like to achieve this one in 2020 but it may extend into 2021.

Blogging has granted me a closer audience, and it can surely bring in more readers as time goes on.

However, blogging has limited growth potential if it’s the only thing I’m doing.

I need to seek audiences from other platforms. Mainly, I need to look into YouTube.

Same logic for social media applies here. I need to go where the people are if I want people to enjoy my work.

I don’t have much to announce beyond the fact I’m in early stages of research and planning.

Currently, I plan to start with discussion videos based on my blog posts. Any content original to YouTube videos could also have its script converted into a blog post.

I would want a YouTube channel to complement this blog, not replace it.

Writing is my interest. Videos would merely be another channel for that content.

Podcasting is also a good possibility way down the road. Although, I would probably want to find some good conversation partners before truly considering that angle.

Beyond the Beginning

Out of all these 2020 posts, one thing should be clear.

This blog has been around a full year now. Time’s come to move beyond the beginning. Time’s come to see what this thing can become.

My various writing projects will continue and grow too. I’ve already been working on a massive revision of my lifelong literary project Story Chronicles. I can’t wait to share it with you all one day.

All in all, I’m going to do what I can to make 2020 a great time. My goals will take plenty of work, but I’m more than willing to put in the effort.

Discussion Time!

Please answer in the comments or on my Facebook page.

How do you think I can improve this blog in 2020? What do you think of the plans I’ve outlined?

Kotcher’s Call to Action

If you like my content and wish to see more, then you have a few options.

You could check out my books Five Strange Stories and Good Stuff: 50 Poems from Youth on Amazon. They are enrolled in the Kindle Matchbook program, so anyone who buys the paperbacks can also get the eBooks for free.

You can also check my Essential Posts page for links to some of my greatest posts to the cKotch.Com blog.

Finally, be sure to like my Facebook page and share it with your friends. I post a link there whenever a new blog post goes live each Friday at 5:00 PM EST.

1 thought on “Planning My 2020”

  1. Really like your idea’s for the coming year, especially the social media and future podcasts. Cant wait for your next book release, do you have any firm time commitment for this?


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