Welcome to the cKotch.Com portfolio. This section of the site contains excerpts from various pieces of my writing from over the years. Please note some details regarding the pieces in the portfolio:
- Pieces in the portfolio are considered works-in-progress unless they have been published.
- Smaller pieces in the portfolio, such as short stories and poems, may appear later in published collections. Links to purchase these collections may then be placed on the site.
- Feedback in the comment section is encouraged.
- Please understand these writings are my creations. I may not incorporate particular feedback on a piece if the recommended changes do not support my vision for it.
- Pieces added to the portfolio will be released alongside a related blog post. The post and the piece will both have links to each other.
And with that, please enjoy the portfolio! Particular pieces in the portfolio can be found in sub-pages based on different categories.
- Books: Excerpts from my books and links to my books’ Amazon pages.
- Poems: Poems which have been shared on cKotch.Com.
- Short Stories: Short stories which have been shared on cKotch.Com