
Here you can find excerpts from the books which I have published. You can find links to these books’ pages on Amazon too. I also have a link to my page on Amazon’s Author Central.

Good Stuff: 50 Poems from Youth

“This collection contains fifty poems from newly published author Christopher Kotcher. They tell the tale of his first few years as a poet. Enjoy reflections on everything from family vacations and dreams of love to trials and writing struggles. These poems truly are good stuff.”

Amazon Page 


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Five Strange Stories

“This collection contains five short stories by newly published author Christopher Kotcher. They have been bound together for their shared sense of strangeness. Dogs remember alien abductions, and dragons wander mansions at night. These stories and more fill this lovely little book. Prepare yourselves for the wonder, the mystery, and the heart of Five Strange Stories.”

Amazon Page


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Story Chronicles (Unpublished Project)

Book Cover Placeholder

My lifelong literary project. This book tells the tale of young writer Ulysses Nlucky and all the stories he tells. Story Chronicles still needs a bit more time in the oven before it can be published. But I am not against featuring a few excerpts here.


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Charlie The Crusader (Unpublished Project)

Another Book Cover Placeholder

Another major literary project. This book contains countless quests of Charlie the Crusader. Preparations are still being made before publication. So, please enjoy a few excerpts until this epic story is ready to be read in full. Also included here are the original comics I made which inspired this project.


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