Charlie had been going on regular patrols for a few days since he got the keys to his camp. Thankfully, things were peaceful enough for these patrols to essentially be calm strolls through the forest. Charlie was also wearing his crusader armor all the time now. He had worked hard to earn it after his years at the Crusader Academy and would always wear it with pride. One day, Charlie decided to head north for his first patrol in Imagirea’s famous network of volcanoes know as the Volcano Chain. The trip would be a long one on foot. So, Charlie decided to prepare a lunch to take with him. It was during this lunch’s preparation that Charlie’s first quest came calling.
Charlie sang along to himself about how great his lunch would be. He set an apple in his lunchbox beside his sandwich and heard something rushing through the air. Charlie shrugged his shoulders at first. He knew his camp’s forcefield would keep him safe if the noise was anything worth worrying about. Then he heard a ripping sound. Charlie glanced up. Something was breathing behind the fresh tear in his tent. Suddenly, a giant orange dragon with yellow horns burst its head into the tent and roared. Charlie leapt back so fast his feather and cape stood straight up. Soon the dragon’s arms ripped into the tent too.
Charlie tilted his head. “Are you wearing a pink sweater?”
The dragon scowled and rolled up his sleeves. “What’s that got to do with anything? Everyone knows real dragons wear pink.”
Charlie rubbed his head. “Well, it doesn’t seem like what a fierce beast would–– Wait. How’d you even get past my camp’s force field?”
The dragon snarled. “It’s been down since Tuesday chrome dome!”
Charlie jumped up again. “What? It’ll take a whole week to power up even if it’s down for a day. And now a vile monster rips my tent open.”
The dragon snorted. Smoke rose from his nostrils. “Oh, you really need to watch your mouth metalhead.”
Charlie grunted and pointed right at the dragon. “You’re the one who burst into my tent while I was making lunch. How am I going to explain this to the Crusader Council?”
The dragon laughed. “Well, if you care about your dumb lunch so much, come and get it!”
The dragon grabbed Charlie’s lunch and flew away with a mighty flap of wings. Charlie grunted against the winds then raced to grab his sword and shield from the silver trunk which one held his armor. He darted out of his tent and saw the dragon flying north.
Charlie ran after the dragon and shouted, “Stop vile beast! Return my lunch!”
The dragon turned his head to reply, “Never loser!”
The dragon flapped his wings and blasted through the air, but Charlie kept chasing him through the forest. So, the dragon made a sharp turn toward a large lake. Charlie continued running until he reached the edge of the lake and dove in. He swam through the lake, his mind entirely fixated on his goal.
Charlie called out to the dragon once more, “Give me back my lunch you overgrown lizard.”
The dragon scowled and turned around. Fire sparked in his mouth as he screamed, “How about a hot bath instead!”
A column of fire raged from the dragon’s mouth. The flames struck the water in front of Charlie to make it boil and steam. Charlie gasped and swam to the side of the flames. He even swerved around the dragon fast enough to get behind him. The dragon blinked and flew up into the air. Still, Charlie managed to leap from the lake and grab the yellow rattle at the end of the dragon’s tail. The dragon yelped and growled. He scowled and flew higher into the air. Charlie though clung tight to the dragon’s tail and climbed up the yellow spikes alongside it.
The dragon screamed, “Get off me you little jerk!”
Charlie grabbed onto the dragon’s sweater. “Not until I get my lunch back!”
The dragon growled and flew higher, nearly to the stars. Charlie could feel the cold air rushing around him. His armor’s enchantments protected him a bit, but they were already reaching their limits for handling the cold. The thinness of the air was also growing problematic.
The dragon shook his head. “You really don’t know when to give up, do you?”
Charlie laughed. “Some people call it my best quality.”
The dragon snarled and zoomed down to a mountain chain. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to shake you off.”
The dragon swerved through the mountains. Charlie held on even as the dragon threw himself around the air and slammed himself into the peaks and summits. Then the dragon dove down from the mountains at breakneck pace. Charlie looked down to see a lake of lava in front of them. The speed of the dragon’s descent soon forced Charlie off of him. The crusader panicked until he heard wind rushing under his cape. With no other option, Charlie grabbed the corners of his cape to catch the wind and glide to a long bridge made of volcanic rock. At the bridge’s end stood a large cave carved to resemble a dragon’s head. Torches burned in the cave’s eyes. Stone paws stood at each end of the cave’s mouth. The dragon landed in front of the cave on all four paws and tossed Charlie’s lunch through this entrance.
Charlie pointed his sword forward. “So, this is your lair then?”
The dragon chuckled. “You could call it that.”
Charlie and the dragon stared at each other. The dragon spread out his wings and sparked fire in his mouth. Charlie raised his shield. It had been reforged by dragon fire once. It could handle the heat again.
A voice in the distance boomed, “What’s going on here?”
The dragon panicked. “No, it can’t be. He’s supposed to be at work.”
Charlie looked toward the distant booming voice. He saw a large dragon that looked just like the first dragon flying forward. This large dragon adjusted his suit’s red tie and said, “I thought you said you were done with the pranks Drake. And now you’ve actually gotten a crusader involved.”
Drake stomped his paws. “But dad!”
Drake’s dad snorted. “No buts young man! Crusader, what did my boy do this time?”
Charlie stammered, “He broke into my tent and took my lunch.”
Drake’s dad shook his head. “Drake, do you ever think about what you’re doing? I’m sorry crusader. I’ll pay for the damages to your tent and your forcefield too since my boy would’ve had to have taken the down too.”
Charlie clenched his fists. “No.”
Drake and his dad both blinked. The older dragon replied, “Excuse me?”
Charlie continued, “I screwed up. I’ve been forgetting to keep my force field running. Drake was probably just trying to let me know with a prank. He probably wouldn’t have even taken my lunch if I didn’t react by calling him a beast and a monster.”
Drake’s dad nodded. “I see. Drake, is this true?”
Drake lowered his head. “Yeah, all of it.”
Drake’s dad turned back to Charlie. “Thank you, Crusader. It takes a lot to admit one’s mistakes to help someone else. I’d still like to pay for the damages to your tent. Maybe my boy could also guard your camp until the forcefield’s good again? I hope you’ll also admit your mistakes to the Crusader Council. This all seem fair to you two?”
Charlie and Drake both nodded.
Drake’s dad nodded back. “Good. Now Drake, we can talk more later. I need to get back to work. I was planning on taking you out for a surprise lunch today, but I don’t really think we’ll have time for now.”
Drake’s dad flew away.
Drake went to his lair to grab Charlie’s lunch. Charlie took it and thanked the dragon. So, Drake nodded along and said, “Thanks for what you did back there. Guess we both screwed up today.”
Charlie laughed. “You got that right.”
The two stood in silence.
Then Charlie realized his location and said, “You know, I was planning on patrolling the Volcano Chain today anyway. Could be good to get a dragon’s eye view and some info from someone who lives here.”
Drake smirked. “Sounds like you could use some help then. Hop on.”
Charlie nodded and climbed onto Drake’s back. The dragon flew the crusader all over the Volcano Chain. Drake showed Charlie everything from lava lakes and hot springs to caverns and ruins.
Like This Excerpt?
You can see its original comic form in full here at the cKotch.Com portfolio. You can also learn about the inspiration for and history of Charlie the Crusader in this blog post.
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