Football Post

After The Championship

An old post for brothers made in high school:


“Four years ago, when I was heading here,

Someone had me join the football team.

I thought he was simply out of his mind.

I was just a student, not an athlete,

But my parents jumped on board right away.

So, I decided to give things a try

And found something I never expected.

I was an only child and found brothers,

Didn’t play much, never fastest or the star,

But now I was part of something bigger.

We won together and laughed together.

We knew we could handle any challenge.

And now, our final game ends in defeat,

Giving me a few last words to tell you:


‘I would rather have lost every game,

Bear any possible strife or struggle,

Even face down gates of fire and flame

With every one of my brothers in red

Than go undefeated, get all trophies,

Or win even a single stupid game

With anyone else in any other color.’”

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It has a related blog post all about the four years which inspired it.

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